Gitlab Pages with Static Site Generators (Pelican)

Posted on Wed 02 January 2019 in Static Site Generator • 2 min read

Taking into account that in the last billing period, Google has billed me € 24 for this website with 3 static pages, without database and with very little traffic, which is generated with Pelican, I have decided to move to gitlab pages.

So be careful with the Google app …

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Force app on google app engine to use https

Posted on Tue 21 August 2018 in Tutorials • 1 min read

Now it is very important that all websites use the secure HTTPS protocol, especially since google began to warn that the pages are not safe in chrome.

If you are using Google app engine to deploy your website, there is a parameter at app.yaml the force and redirect all …

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Pelican blog on nginx with google app engine

Posted on Sat 18 August 2018 in Tutorials • 2 min read

If you plan to deploy a static server on google app engine, as you may have seen, you only have the option to do it with one of the predefined languages.

For example, if you have a blog deployed with Pelican which generate only static files, html, css, etc ... could …

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remove www. from host and redirect with 301 on haproxy

Posted on Thu 01 October 2015 in Web • 1 min read

If you have a lot of domains on single haproxy frontend and only want domains without www for SEO reasons, you can remove the www. with this configuration

# add header on every incoming request with www
http-request add-header X-Host-Redirect yes if { hdr_beg(host) -i www. }
# math header
acl host_redirect hdr_cnt …

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bulk delete sql_plan baselines

Posted on Tue 22 September 2015 in Databases • 1 min read

if any time you have enabled auto capture sqlplan baselines, you can accumulate more of 3000 baselines in few seconds and if you want to disable auto capture again, you must delete all baselines before.

You can do it with this code:

vResult Binary_Integer;

for …

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Tsuru Paas at Qdqmedia

Posted on Mon 07 September 2015 in News • 1 min read

Begining with the new tech blog, at QDQMEDIA, where I work, I wrote a post in Spanish about Tsuru Paas, one Platform as a service based on docker, that we use for a few months and we are very pleased.

It allows us, from the operations department, to unleash the …

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Oracle Dashboard with graphite, collectd and pyorastats

Posted on Wed 21 January 2015 in databases • 1 min read

Oracle Dashboard

Oracle Enterprise Manager console for Oracle database is a very nice tool when you have to view the database performance and take any action on querys, session or any other database activity, but some times you only need to show the performance graphs without login to the EM console.

I …

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repair root xfs filesystem

Posted on Sat 03 January 2015 in misc • 1 min read

I have a lot of kvm virtual machines with xfs on the root filesystem. XFS is a great filesystem from SGI. On the last years its performance and stability has been improved and linux distros like Redhat think on it like default filesystem.

Today one VM report incorrect free space …

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create long running query on oracle

Posted on Mon 27 October 2014 in misc • 1 min read

In order to make a resource plan on oracle, you need a long running query to test, for example:


select count(*) from dba_extents e, dba_segments s, dba_tables t where e.segment_name!=s.segment_name and e.segment_name!=t.table_name and s.segment_name!=t.table_name

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generar paquete deb a partir del código fuente

Posted on Wed 14 March 2012 in misc • 1 min read

Para generar un paquete .deb que son los que se usan en ubuntu a partir del codigo fuente de algo que hayamos compilado, podemos usar el comando checkinstall, para ello lo mas normal es ejecutarlo asi:

checkinstall --pkgname=nombre-pkg --pkgversion="1:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)" --default

esto nos …

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